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Answer: If this is done quickly enough the animal will eventually recover. Question 8. The food is not chewed completely. Mention the different steps of nutrition in animals. Other frequent problems include crooked, cracked or loose teeth, an infection or an abscess. (d) Digestion of fat is completed in small intestine. Answer: (b) Molars and premolars, Question 3. Camels are not usually seriously affected by the maggots but the activity of the adult flies trying to lay eggs is annoying. Tick paralysis is caused by the bite of some ticks. However, if we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria also begin to live and grow in it. Answer: Yes, carnivores animals cannot digest cellulose, hence they have a shorter small intestine. (b) Breaking of complex food substances into simpler and soluble substances. Question 15. (a) fats into fatty acids and glycerol If a dog’s teeth cleaning is ignored, it can lead to foul smell, plaque (a) The largest gland in our body. The large surface area of small intestine helps in the rapid absorption of the digested food. Can you imagine eating nothing but ants all day long? After eating the foods, the adolescents and teens rinsed their mouths with water. (c) The organ that releases digestive juice into the small intestine. Oral rehydration solution is the solution of sugar and salt in a particular ratio in the clean water. List the preventive measures that one should adopt for avoiding tooth decay. It is given to a person suffering from diarrhoea to prevent the dehydration. (iii) They have small pores through which food can easily pass. (c) gall bladder Inspite of being blindfolded, one could identify two different drinks with the help of taste buds present in the tongue. Cats' earliest teeth are the set of 26, known as deciduous or milk teeth, that erupt from their gums when kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old. After filling up on grass, cows find a place to lie down to more thoroughly chew their food. These are then easily digested by the enzymes released from the pancreas After surgical removal of gall bladder, ‘A’ would face problems in digestion of fat and fatty substances when consumed in bulk. Carnassial teeth. Answers: What will happen if food particles enter the windpipe? (b) large intestine wall by the teeth, Unit 60: Milk “But they have already eaten,” you might be thinking. Animals have an amazing array of teeth. Support your Answer: Feeding bones to your dog. When Amoeba senses its food, it pushes out pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it. Dogs can have the same types of dental disease as humans, and can also have many of the same complications that frequently occur, too. Rinse after you floss. Briefly describe the process of digestion in Amoeba with the help of labelled diagram. Alimentary canal, Question 7. Taking care of your teeth isn't difficult. Answer: Answer: Food vacuole contains food surrounded by water while contractile vacuole contains liquid or water and controls water regulation activity in Amoeba. They eat up to twice their weight in nectar every day making them not only the hungriest birds but the hungriest animals outside the insect realm. What colour change would they have observed? Most placental mammals are happy with between 20 and 40, while most marsupials have 30 to 50. Just like human beings, dogs also need their teeth to be cleaned every time they have food. (b) cellulose gets absorbed in the human blood and converts into fibres (d) amino acids In an adult human, there are total 32 teeth. As equines grind their food the edges of the teeth become sharp and can damage the tongue or the inside of the cheek. Answer: Germs present in our mouth act on carbohydrates, which happen to form a major part of what we eat on a daily basis, i.e. Question 22. Answer: Permanent. (b) Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). She rushed to her mother and asked the scientific reason for it. The maggots of the nasal fly can be killed by giving injections of nitroxynil (see R11 Annex 1) but this need only be done if your veterinary officer advises it. ……. These bacteria breakdown the sugars present from the leftover food and release acids. Llamas and the alpaca have two toes on the foot with toe nails which vow like the hoof of sheen and gnats. Glucose, Question 3. The basic process of digestion of food and release of energy is as similar to the other organisms. Explain. But it can also be ineffective within the critical zone near the gumline. (a) villi, Question 1. The number of teeth in an animal’s jaw depend on its life history. It is because the cellulose digesting bacteria are not present in the body of human beings due to which human beings cannot digest cellulose (present in plant foods). Will the water do an effective job at cleaning out her mouth, or will it do little to nothing. Question 8. Dental Treats Chews infused with medication to keep the pet's teeth clean are a bonus. Answer: Ruminant can digest cellulose (carbohydrate). Name the parts of the alimentary canal where You should keep a separate toothbrush for cleaning your dentures. The anteater's narrow tongue is about 2 feet (60 centimete… Pancreas secretes pancreatic juices which act on carbohydrate, fats and proteins and change them into simpler compounds. The body of Amoeba has finger-like projections, called pseudopodia or false feet. It is moved between two teeth to take out trapped food particles. The camel has 22 milk teeth and 32 permanent teeth. Answer: water, salts. this is interesting as the Racoon is not- in the normal sense, an aquatic animal. Biannual teeth cleanings can ensure your teeth and gums are thoroughly cleaned and catch serious oral health problems early on. Write the shape of stomach. Sweets and Tooth Decay The tooth is covered by white, hard outer covering of tooth called Enamel enamel below which dentine is present. These may include: Keeping your teeth clean is important for avoiding disease and infection, helping you chew food, and keeping your smile bright and healthy. The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal. No chew bones. Question 2. Amoeba is a microscopic, single celled animal. (ii) We should clean our teeth with the help of datun or brush Gradual decaying of human tooth and toothpaste, twice a day. (c) properly chewed and partially digested (d) lining of liver Suddenly, Boojho started coughing violently. Therefore, the food may enter into the windpipe. From which organ of digestive system, the undigested faecal matter is removed? Explain. Herbivores- Animals that only eat plant. Tooth decay can be prevented by adapting following measures. (c) the cellulose digesting bacteria convert cellulose into fibres teeth replaces the milk teeth. The small intestine is about 7.5 metre long It is accommodated in a coiled form inside our body. (d) liver. Feeding dry dog food and treats rather than canned food will help to slow the build-up of plaque and tartar. In test tube A, blue black colour appeared because of presence of starch. The digestion of starch only takes place in the stomach Following statements describe the five steps in animal nutrition. Floating a horse's teeth, or at least examining the teeth to see if floating or some other care is needed, should be considered a basic part of routine care. (c) absorb the digested food, Question 7. (Scraping, chewing, siphoning, capturing and swallowing, sponging, sucking, etc.). (c) (iii) and (iv), Question 9. Question 8. Discuss the role of hydrochloric acid secreted by gastric glands. (b) Sometimes, when we eat too fast in a hurry or talk too much or laugh while eating, then a little of windpipe remains open due to which food particles may enter the windpipe. He may advise the use of other drugs if they are available (see R25 Annex 1). Her mother smiled and explained her the importance of this solution. And all predators -- from polar bears to ladybugs -- clean themselves after they eat. (c) He is sincere and curious to know about the things at an early age. (c) (iii) and (iv) Question 3. trapped food particles. Ringworm is treated by applying tincture of iodine. Bacteria are Gum present in our mouth but they are not harmful to us. Amoeba is a microscopic single celled organism, which is found in pond water. Even if youve been told that you have nice teeth, its crucial to take the right steps every day to take care of them and prevent problems. Answer: And when that happens, these animals that chew cud find it hard to chew regularly. Name the secretions of stomach which digest food. [HOTS] heterotrophic, Question 9. Identify the location of salivary gland. Alimentary canal is the tube running from mouth to anus of human and animals here digestion and absorption of food take place. Answer: It is also known as digestive tract. As a general rule, animals that feed on insects have more teeth than either herbivores or the larger carnivores. Though bile juice is devoid of any digestive enzymes, it is required for the digestion of fats. Answer: Bile juice breaks down big fat droplets into smaller droplets. Maggots should be removed from wounds and the wound properly cleaned and dressed (see Unit 73). At home the ORS can be prepared by dissolving a teaspoonful of sugar and pinch of salt in a glass of clean water. Salivary gland digestion of starch in mouth. When a person passes out watery stools frequently, the disease is called diarrhoea. He also explained him the proper scientific reason behind it. (a) hiccups and cough Fresh Produce Seedless apple slices and raw carrots provide both vitamins and chewing entertainment. The long structure of small intestine is accommodated in small space within our body. In order to prevent dehydration, the person or patient should be given ORS. These fine droplets are further converted into fatty acids and glycerol. Question 3. Open your mouth, look into a mirror and try to count the different types of teeth of teeth in your mouth. Answer: Question 27. Answer: Even industry regulators look the other way when products claim to cleanse or whiten teeth. It is moved between two teeth to take out trapped food particles. The pain from the wound can make the animal lame. (b) Stomach, because rest all are digestive glands and stomach is a digestive organ. Question 6. The digestive juices from liver and pancreas is poured into small intestine which helps in complete digestion and absorption of food. Question 20. [NCERT Examplar] Can you tell which kind of food items would they be and why? (c) What are the values shown by Rishi? Answer: We should not eat hurriedly. These glands are salivary glands, liver and pancreas. Answer: For example, in the operating room, things must be clean, and that has a very rigid, strict interpretation—to be as free as possible from all germs and contamination. His father smiled and explained him that it is only a myth. The food components and their simple forms are carbohydrates (glucose), fatty (fats) acids and glycerol, proteins (amino acids). Some sugars occur naturally in food and drink, such as fruit, honey and milk. Answer: Some animal chews may also become sharp when the ends are whittled down by chewing. (d) The grinding teeth present only in adult as D Name the simple forms of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. (a) Transportation of absorbed food to different parts of body and their utilisation. (iv) Dirty fingers or unwashed objects must be avoided to put in the mouth. Question 2. Question 30. Give reason. Answer: Answer: heterotrophic (a) blood vessels of small intestine wall, Question 10. Question 3. (d) diarrhoea Answer: Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well.Cavities and tooth decay are among the world's most common health problems. Describe alimentary canal briefly. These bacteria breakdown the sugars present from the leftover food and release acids. The herbivorous animals such as cow, buffaloes, etc eat grass. Raw bones not only taste good and are fun to chew, but the process of gnawing on them stimulates the gums, exercises the jawbone — and yes, removes tartar from the teeth! How to Clean Horses' Teeth. Lesson Summary. Ruminants such as cows and buffaloes swallow their food hurriedly and store it in a part of the stomach called rumen. Teeth which are not treated on time it causes severe toothache and may result in lameness infection! 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